Safety and mateship are core values at the GenusPlus Group. We are committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace and ensuring our people go home safely every day. The core value of mateship drives us to not only look after ourselves, but our mates as well.
Key to our approach to safety and health is engaging with our people. Our people in the frontline see so much more than our management or safety teams do. Our understanding and ability to solve problems significantly improves when we engage, empower and work collaboratively with our people. Safety is built on culture and trust which is then supported by safety management systems and other tools.
Our management of safety and health is based on:
- Leadership – Our leaders are visible, engaged with all levels of the organisation and lead by example in driving safe behaviours.
- Teamwork – Through effective engagement with our people, we better understand the challenges and obstacles they face. We work collaboratively with our people in order to develop and implement the most effective solutions and improvements.
- Risk Focus – We embed risk management into everything we do, and we equip our people to make risk-based decisions. In consultation with our people, we have identified our highest risks and developed our Safety Non-Negotiables to raise awareness of our key control measures.
- Positivity – Positive reinforcement is much more effective in driving behavioural change, so we are working to reframe safety more positively. By focusing on positive reinforcement, proactive safety activities and celebrating our achievements we are driving further engagement, investment and ownership in safety.
- Empowerment – Our people personally commit to “Think Safe. Work Safe. Home Safe.” We have also empowered people to issue a Stop Work Authority if they believe a task is unsafe or further planning is required. We support out people to use the Stop Work Authority when they feel it is required, without fear of reprisal.
- Learning – We have an openness to learning from each other, our clients and industry partners. We learn together from our successes and incidents.
We have established a set of safety non-negotiables, which identify the Group’s most critical risks and control measures.
These safety non-negotiables were established to increase awareness and understanding of critical risks and control measures; provide a clear set of standards that are easily understood by all; and ultimately create an awareness to help prevent serious workplace injury and fatality. These safety non-negotiables are communicated at inductions, and regularly referred to during toolboxes and in health & safety communications.
Genus is committed to protecting the environment and minimising our environmental impact. We do this by incorporating responsible work practices that minimise environmental harm, reduce wastage and prevent pollution.
Genus prides itself as being a market leader and electrical & communications contractor of choice. Our early success was built on quality, reliability and providing excellent service.
Our unmatched experience and expertise in the industry means we are a trusted and preferred service provider. We understand that providing our customers with the highest quality service is crucial to our continued growth and success.
Our quality management focus is based on:
- Prioritising customer satisfaction
- Working collaboratively with our clients to understand and meet their needs
- Providing trusted and reliable services
- Delivering on what we promise, in everything we do.
- Our aim is to provide exceptional quality that is delivered on time, on budget and with minimal interruptions to client operations.